depressed nasal bridge
11 rows What is a depressed nasal bridge flat nose. From HPO Term Hierarchy GTR MeSH CClinical test RResearch test OOMIM GGeneReviews VClinVar C ROG V Depressed nasal bridge Abnormality of head or neck Abnormality of the head. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Clinical resource with information about Depressed nasal bridge and its clinical features available genetic tests from US and labs around the world and links to practice guidelines and authoritative resources like GeneReviews PubMed MedlinePlus clinicaltrialsgov PharmGKB. . The fourth and fifth metacarpals and sometimes metatarsals are characteristically short. A lower or higher than average nasal bridge can be a sign of various genetic disorders such as fetal alcohol syndrome. Depressed nasal bridge and Short philtrum If you liked this article maybe you will also find interesting the following in-depth articles about other ra...